Tommy Lombardozzi and Michael D categorically affirm that they are not experts in the life and work of Jack Kirby, but fans in love with the legacy of the King of Comic Books. This is one of the positives of the North American podcast Jacked Kirby (featured on CCD.com) focused on subjects related to Jack Kirby, a man that is perhaps the greatest myth-maker of sequential art.
It all started with Instagram @jacked_kirby where the duo put various images related to Jack Kirby always with some additional information or curious things. By bringing this information to the podcast, instagram continues to be a basis for dissemination and good information (and curiosity). Fleeing a little from the rule of blind fans, the duo does not shy away from criticizing one or another aspect, stage, or some work within the scope of the King's work, always remembering that as genial as it may have been, Kirby was also human, and thus liable to human misunderstanding.
The program is up, positive, joyful, before anything. Didactic, humorous and even with small misconceptions of memory from time to time — after all nobody is a robot— it is a fabulous source of reference. Presenters and guests pay homage to the King of Comics and it is curious how some elements of Kirby's work remain alive and influential even today beyond the barriers of time, geography, language and cultures.
The Jacked Kirby Podcast (CCD.com)
The Jacked Kirby (Itunes)
The Jacked Kirby Podcast
Jacked Kirby Instagram
Jacked Kirby Facebook
Tommy Lombardozzi Soundcloud
Tommy Lombardozzi & Paul Weiss: I can't Ever Get Over You
Tommy Lombardozzi on REVERBNATION
Tommy Lombardozzi - Drivel
"Who's Making Love" - Tommy Lombardozzi (Johnnie Taylor cover)
"Out Of Touch" Tommy Lombardozzi (Hall & Oates cover)
Tales of Asgard
Tales od Asgard - Bronze Age Babies
Tales of Asgard: Journey into Mistery 98
Tales of Asgard: Journey into Mistery 115-116
Original post in portuguese
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